Bad Luck Brian

Changes family computer password as a prank Forgets new password

Changes family computer password as a prank Forgets new password  Bad Luck Brian

Is born Get's the name Felix gunnarsson

Is born Get's the name 
Felix gunnarsson  Bad Luck Brian

take your kid to work day both parents are teachers

take your kid to work day both parents are teachers  Bad Luck Brian

Buys a new aerohelmet Doesn't meet USAT regulations

Buys a new aerohelmet Doesn't meet USAT regulations  Bad Luck Brian

bit by radioactive spider becomes aquaman

bit by radioactive spider becomes aquaman  Bad Luck Brian

About to publish long ass book about vampires Stephanie Myer breaks in and steals it

About to publish long ass book about vampires Stephanie Myer breaks in and steals it    Bad Luck Brian

Gets Golden shower R. Kelly

Gets Golden shower R. Kelly  Bad Luck Brian

Plays the lottery dies

Plays the lottery dies  Bad Luck Brian

uncle bernie dies over the weekend hilarity never ensues

uncle bernie dies over the weekend hilarity never ensues  Bad Luck Brian

shoots black kid in self defense everyone hates him for it

shoots black kid in self defense everyone hates him for it  Bad Luck Brian
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