Bad Luck Brian

Touches Plants poison ivy

Touches Plants poison ivy  Bad Luck Brian

first day at the job "everyone hands up this is a robbery"

first day at the job

Gets Past third base aids

Gets Past third base aids  Bad Luck Brian

enters unluckiest person contest loses!

enters unluckiest person contest loses!  Bad Luck Brian

Has an epiphany Dedicates life to god

Has an epiphany Dedicates life to god  Bad Luck Brian

GOES to first rave finds out hes epileptic. dies.

GOES to first rave finds out hes epileptic. dies.  Bad Luck Brian

chokes on a lifesaver dies

chokes on a lifesaver dies  Bad Luck Brian

Plays Dark Souls No One Throws him down the cell keys

Plays Dark Souls No One Throws him down the cell keys  Bad Luck Brian

Commits Arson Drowns

Commits Arson Drowns  Bad Luck Brian

Cant find remote for tv dance moms

Cant find remote for tv dance moms  Bad Luck Brian
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