Bad Luck Brian

Has sex for the first time gets aids

Has sex for the first time gets aids  Bad Luck Brian

gets a girlfriend is the berks girl

gets a girlfriend is the berks girl  Bad Luck Brian

Remembers to pee after sex Still gets a UTI

Remembers to pee after sex Still gets a UTI  Bad Luck Brian

eats sushi for the first time worms

eats sushi for the first time worms  Bad Luck Brian

finally gets lucky and has kids all lies

finally gets lucky and has kids all lies  Bad Luck Brian

Has sex for the first time Gets diagnosed with aids two weeks later

Has sex for the first time Gets diagnosed with aids two weeks later   Bad Luck Brian

Parents go on vacation every year without him.

Parents go on vacation every year without him.  Bad Luck Brian

invited to his first bachelor party murders prostitute and gets caught

invited to his first bachelor party murders prostitute and gets caught  Bad Luck Brian

sees ridiculously photogenic guy for the first time goes blind

sees ridiculously photogenic guy for the first time goes blind  Bad Luck Brian

Finally has sex Pregnant with twins

Finally has sex Pregnant with twins  Bad Luck Brian
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