Bad Luck Brian

Drinks coffee to get school work done Can't get off toilet due to coffee shits

Drinks coffee to get school work done  Can't get off toilet due to coffee shits   Bad Luck Brian

runs in the boston marathon gets blown up at the finish line

runs in the boston marathon gets blown up at the finish line  Bad Luck Brian

Becomes a US citizen Jury duty

Becomes a US citizen Jury duty  Bad Luck Brian

has horrible eczema in the winter has horrible allergies in spring/summer

has horrible eczema in the winter has horrible allergies in spring/summer  Bad Luck Brian

Uses deck vacuum to sweep the floor Floor looks worse than a road in slumdog millionaire

Uses deck vacuum to sweep the floor Floor looks worse than a road in slumdog millionaire   Bad Luck Brian

Wins the Daytona 500 Best Friend and Boss killed so he can

Wins the Daytona 500 Best Friend and Boss killed so he can  Bad Luck Brian

posts video on /r/cringe with high anticipation subreddit goes private a minute later

posts video on /r/cringe with high anticipation subreddit goes private a minute later  Bad Luck Brian

Makes the front page of r/cringe

Makes the front page of r/cringe  Bad Luck Brian

Tries to make a funny Gets susan B anthonied

Tries to make a funny Gets susan B anthonied  Bad Luck Brian

Finally gets the courage to play with neighborhood kid He falls out of the tree and almost dies every time

Finally gets the courage to play with neighborhood kid He falls out of the tree and almost dies every time  Bad Luck Brian
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