Bad Luck Brian

Hikes to 10,678 feet elevation Opens a bag of hispanic munchies and melts the corneas of his eyes

Hikes to 10,678 feet elevation  Opens a bag of hispanic munchies and melts the corneas of his eyes  Bad Luck Brian

tries the atkins diet gets gout

tries the atkins diet gets gout  Bad Luck Brian

becomes an underwear model boner everytime

becomes an underwear model boner everytime  Bad Luck Brian

Gets perfect score on a test forgets name

Gets perfect score on a test forgets name  Bad Luck Brian

invited to a party donner party

invited to a party donner party  Bad Luck Brian

Flies on plain for the first time quarantine 2

Flies on plain for the first time quarantine 2  Bad Luck Brian

hits puberty dies on impact

hits puberty dies on impact  Bad Luck Brian

Calls Last Run Doesn't eat shit, thinks he broke the curse...Gets run over by a snow plow in the parking lot.

Calls Last Run Doesn't eat shit, thinks he broke the curse...Gets run over by a snow plow in the parking lot.  Bad Luck Brian

Someone asks a question. Tries to give an answer. Downvoted

Someone asks a question. Tries to give an answer. Downvoted  Bad Luck Brian

Makes rape joke to girlfriend she's been raped before

Makes rape joke to girlfriend she's been raped before  Bad Luck Brian
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