Bad Luck Brian

emigrates to america is menaced by mountain lions

emigrates to america is menaced by mountain lions  Bad Luck Brian

Gets shitfaced at a party Literally

Gets shitfaced at a party Literally  Bad Luck Brian

Does jumping jacks in gym class shits

Does jumping jacks in gym class shits  Bad Luck Brian

girlfriend breaks up with him says "its you, not me"

girlfriend breaks up with him says

prank calls someone for the first time liam neeson answers

prank calls someone for the first time liam neeson answers   Bad Luck Brian

Goes to dentist Five wisdom teeth

Goes to dentist Five wisdom teeth  Bad Luck Brian

Finally Gets Skyrim Massive Power Outages

Finally Gets Skyrim Massive Power Outages   Bad Luck Brian

Joins reddit realises pats a cunt.

Joins reddit realises pats a cunt.  Bad Luck Brian

Fell asleep Masturbating Creampie

Fell asleep 
Masturbating Creampie  Bad Luck Brian

looks both ways before crossing street gets hit by plane

looks both ways before crossing street gets hit by plane  Bad Luck Brian
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