Bad Luck Brian

Has sex for the very first time Dies of Heart Attack

Has sex for the very first time Dies of Heart Attack  Bad Luck Brian

LOSES virginity raped

LOSES virginity raped  Bad Luck Brian

Gets Invited to first Dance Carrie's Prom

Gets Invited to first Dance Carrie's Prom  Bad Luck Brian

brings girl home wakes up in a tub full of ice

brings girl home wakes up in a tub full of ice  Bad Luck Brian

Shares bottle with stranger Herpes

Shares bottle with stranger Herpes  Bad Luck Brian

HIts a milestone Dies on impact

HIts a milestone Dies on impact  Bad Luck Brian

Takes a bath drowns

Takes a bath drowns  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to DFS There's not a sale

Goes to DFS There's not a sale  Bad Luck Brian

Picks up a girl she has a penis

Picks up a girl she has a penis  Bad Luck Brian

gets arrested for browsing the pirate bay in canada

gets arrested for browsing the pirate bay in canada  Bad Luck Brian
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