Bad Luck Brian

Signs to MLB Cubs

Signs to MLB Cubs  Bad Luck Brian

Kidnappers send a finger to his parents Parents want more proof

Kidnappers send a finger to his parents Parents want more proof  Bad Luck Brian

tries to fart as loud as possible diarrhea

tries to fart as loud as possible diarrhea   Bad Luck Brian

Tries to blame it on Ross everyone blames him

Tries to blame it on Ross everyone blames him  Bad Luck Brian

Refreshed Reddit 2,127 times gained only 4 karma points, no wait, 3 points

Refreshed Reddit 2,127 times gained only 4 karma points, no wait, 3 points  Bad Luck Brian

Doesn't wear helmet while riding his scooter Gets concussion

Doesn't wear helmet while riding his scooter Gets concussion  Bad Luck Brian


Kills Kony DONE FOR MURDER  Bad Luck Brian

Flirts with a girl Shemale

Flirts with a girl Shemale  Bad Luck Brian

eats a spoonful of cookie dough salmonella

eats a spoonful of cookie dough salmonella   Bad Luck Brian

Gets allergy test dies

Gets allergy test dies  Bad Luck Brian
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