Bad Luck Brian

Excited to be a meme Finds out he's bad luck brian

Excited to be a meme Finds out he's bad luck brian  Bad Luck Brian

Stands in front of dark room to take picture. Attacked by monsters.

Stands in front of dark room to take picture. Attacked by monsters.  Bad Luck Brian

accidentally posts naked picture of himself on facebook mom is the only person to see it before he deletes it

accidentally posts naked picture of himself on facebook mom is the only person to see it before he deletes it  Bad Luck Brian

Uses Self-checkout to buy condoms "MAchine malfunction"

Uses Self-checkout to buy condoms

Eats a marshmallow tampon

Eats a marshmallow tampon  Bad Luck Brian

takes a shit explodes

takes a shit explodes  Bad Luck Brian

Gets his first date Transexual rapes him

Gets his first date Transexual rapes him  Bad Luck Brian

Realizes Internet stardom, does ama Deleted by mod

Realizes Internet stardom, does ama Deleted by mod  Bad Luck Brian

Steals candy at Sixflags Rejected by whole school

Steals candy at Sixflags Rejected by whole school  Bad Luck Brian

goes on maury is the father

goes on maury is the father  Bad Luck Brian
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