Bad Luck Brian

Goes for car ride with favorite NFL player Aaron hernandez

Goes for car ride with favorite NFL player Aaron hernandez  Bad Luck Brian

put in goal for justin kearney cup runs away from ball

put in goal for justin kearney cup runs away from ball   Bad Luck Brian

Gets text message on friday night CERTS

Gets text message on friday night CERTS  Bad Luck Brian

falls asleep in class wet dream

falls asleep in class wet dream  Bad Luck Brian

holds breath going though tunnel shits and dies

holds breath going though tunnel shits and dies  Bad Luck Brian

decides to try out masturbation gets caught

decides to try out masturbation gets caught  Bad Luck Brian

Tries to fart stealthily in class, again has an orgasm

Tries to fart stealthily in class, again has an orgasm  Bad Luck Brian

Tries first cigarette Gets Cancer

Tries first cigarette Gets Cancer  Bad Luck Brian

Smokes cigarette for the first time terminal cancer

Smokes cigarette for the first time terminal cancer   Bad Luck Brian

Looks like this Learns to live with it

Looks like this Learns to live with it  Bad Luck Brian
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