Bad Luck Brian

Freak accident gives him powers similar to Superman Gets lost in space

Freak accident gives him powers similar to Superman Gets lost in space  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to Mardi Gras Sees no tits

Goes to Mardi Gras Sees no tits  Bad Luck Brian

Bends over to tie his shoe Pants rip

Bends over to tie his shoe Pants rip   Bad Luck Brian

Goes on reddit goes to /r/ im14andthisisfunny

Goes on reddit goes to /r/ im14andthisisfunny  Bad Luck Brian

Creates an internet dating site loses his girlfriend to a guy she met on it.

Creates an internet dating site loses his girlfriend to a guy she met on it.  Bad Luck Brian

Crush sits next to you in class Test days only

Crush sits next to you in class Test days only  Bad Luck Brian

Stranger in front of him at the drive thru pays for his food only ordered an ice cream

Stranger in front of him at the drive thru pays for his food only ordered an ice cream  Bad Luck Brian

Has a 99% Win Ratio online Backs out when sees a level 10

Has a 99% Win Ratio online Backs out when sees a level 10  Bad Luck Brian

Pick up cute girl at a bar tries to convert to christianity

Pick up cute girl at a bar tries to convert to christianity  Bad Luck Brian

Finally gets a date Court

Finally gets a date Court  Bad Luck Brian
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