Bad Luck Brian

Pokes hole in friends condom Mom gets pregnant

Pokes hole in friends condom Mom gets pregnant  Bad Luck Brian

joins reddit to unsubscribe from r/aww advice animals domniated by cats

joins reddit to unsubscribe from r/aww advice animals domniated by cats   Bad Luck Brian

ignores "Paint is wet" sign paint is still wet


Gets chance to meet skip bayless turns out to be Neel Bardhan

Gets chance to meet skip bayless turns out to be Neel Bardhan  Bad Luck Brian

sneezes gets cursed

sneezes gets cursed  Bad Luck Brian

Finally lands a job Papa Johns

Finally lands a job Papa Johns  Bad Luck Brian

Gets into law school at UC

Gets into law school at UC  Bad Luck Brian

First time at a hotel 1408

First time at a hotel 1408  Bad Luck Brian

Wins lottery Hunger games

Wins lottery Hunger games  Bad Luck Brian

Grandma is thankful for her beautiful plates Drops 5 of them

Grandma is thankful for her beautiful plates Drops 5 of them  Bad Luck Brian
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