Bad Luck Brian

Girl finally loves him Changes her mind.

Girl finally loves him Changes her mind.  Bad Luck Brian

sleepover at friend's house wets the bed

sleepover at friend's house wets the bed  Bad Luck Brian

ocho personas en un taxi le toca sentarse en las piernas del mastuerzo

ocho personas en un taxi le toca sentarse en las piernas del mastuerzo  Bad Luck Brian

Masturbates for the first time goes blind

Masturbates for the first time goes blind  Bad Luck Brian

gets a beautiful brand new blanket from a nice general in 1763

gets a beautiful brand new blanket from a nice general  in 1763  Bad Luck Brian

misses a spot when putting on sunscreen skin cancer

misses a spot when putting on sunscreen skin cancer  Bad Luck Brian

Listens to all american organ grinder gets his face eaten off

Listens to all american organ grinder gets his face eaten off   Bad Luck Brian

His band gets signed victory records

His band gets signed victory records  Bad Luck Brian

Drives over pile of trash in the road IED

Drives over pile of trash in the road IED  Bad Luck Brian

Buys a mac gets a virus

Buys a mac gets a virus  Bad Luck Brian
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