Bad Luck Brian

First Date Hit by a meteor

First Date Hit by a meteor  Bad Luck Brian

Finally listened to Afrojack's music in while waiting in weeks. Phone call didn't get through

Finally listened to Afrojack's music in while waiting in weeks. Phone call didn't get through  Bad Luck Brian

Asks a girl out She's a He

Asks a girl out She's a He  Bad Luck Brian

uses a cell phone for the first time brain cancer

uses a cell phone for the first time brain cancer  Bad Luck Brian

Starts planning his cake day post cake day is today

Starts planning his cake day post cake day is today  Bad Luck Brian

Vaccinated baby like he should be becomes autistic

Vaccinated baby like he should be becomes autistic  Bad Luck Brian

walks into wrong classroom school shooting

walks into wrong classroom school shooting  Bad Luck Brian

Downloads movie from piratebay gets sued for millions of dollars

Downloads movie from piratebay gets sued for millions of dollars  Bad Luck Brian

Gets drunk for the first time Gets Alcohol Poisoning

Gets drunk for the first time Gets Alcohol Poisoning  Bad Luck Brian

writes original song sued for copyright

writes original song sued for copyright  Bad Luck Brian
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