Bad Luck Brian

Holds door open at school Gets suspended

Holds door open at school Gets suspended  Bad Luck Brian

makes a time machine lands in consintration camp

makes a time machine  lands in consintration camp  Bad Luck Brian

is an atheist goes to hell

is an atheist goes to hell  Bad Luck Brian

Trys to have a lucid dream Insidious

Trys to have a lucid dream Insidious  Bad Luck Brian

Does nothing Gets aressted for impersonating a cop

Does nothing Gets aressted for impersonating a cop  Bad Luck Brian

Plays in the rain gets hit by lightning

Plays in the rain gets hit by lightning  Bad Luck Brian

Has 100% Armor and Resists STill gets 1-shot

Has 100% Armor and Resists STill gets 1-shot  Bad Luck Brian

Finds 100 bucks Monopoly money

Finds 100 bucks  Monopoly money  Bad Luck Brian


it's ok, just a paper cut hemophiliac

it's ok, just a paper cut hemophiliac  Bad Luck Brian
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