Bad Luck Brian

Picks A Fight With Magikarp Gyarados

Picks A Fight With Magikarp Gyarados  Bad Luck Brian

helps save beached whale harpooned by greenpeace

helps save beached whale harpooned by greenpeace  Bad Luck Brian

Takes alka seltzer stomach explodes

Takes alka seltzer stomach explodes  Bad Luck Brian

Steals second base Arrested

Steals second base Arrested  Bad Luck Brian

Parents hire band to play at birthday party Nickelback

Parents hire band to play at birthday party Nickelback  Bad Luck Brian

masturbates in shower, slips DEAD

masturbates in shower, slips DEAD  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to the Bahamas to swim with dolphins sharks

Goes to the Bahamas to swim with dolphins sharks  Bad Luck Brian

Forgets to turn off portable electronic device plane crash

Forgets to turn off portable electronic device plane crash   Bad Luck Brian

torrents 6 songs fined 6 million dollars

torrents 6 songs fined 6 million dollars  Bad Luck Brian

Attends US public school left behind

Attends US public school left behind  Bad Luck Brian
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