Bad Luck Brian

Loses virginity gets chlamydia

Loses virginity gets chlamydia  Bad Luck Brian

clicks on random button on reddit /r/spacedicks

clicks on random button on reddit /r/spacedicks  Bad Luck Brian

finally comes up with meme quickmeme server is down

finally comes up with meme quickmeme server is down  Bad Luck Brian

Finally graduating today! world ends tomorrow

Finally graduating today! world ends tomorrow  Bad Luck Brian

Jerm IX Shoulda fucked off

Jerm IX Shoulda fucked off  Bad Luck Brian

Takes a picture of a flat tire brakes go out

Takes a picture of a flat tire brakes go out  Bad Luck Brian

gets bieber fever dies

gets bieber fever dies  Bad Luck Brian

Buys DSLR Camera Government outlaws 'drones'

Buys DSLR Camera    Government outlaws 'drones'   Bad Luck Brian

Finally has date for valentines day has a Differential equations exam at 8:30 PM

Finally has date for valentines day has a Differential equations exam at 8:30 PM  Bad Luck Brian

Principle scolds him for making a funny face in his school picture He wasn't

Principle scolds him for making a funny face in his school picture He wasn't  Bad Luck Brian
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