Bad Luck Brian

Lifts up toilet cover finds sisters bloody tampon

Lifts up toilet cover finds sisters bloody tampon   Bad Luck Brian

"I'ts too early for school, I'll sleep for a bit longer" Sleep Paralysis

Just washed the car Sandstorm

Just washed the car  Sandstorm  Bad Luck Brian

posts a picture for his cakeday gets negative karma

posts a picture for his cakeday gets negative karma  Bad Luck Brian

Makes a your mom joke to friend forgot his mom is dead

Makes a your mom joke to friend forgot his mom is dead  Bad Luck Brian

Shows INNER GEEK Who said anything about inner?

Shows INNER GEEK Who said anything about inner?  Bad Luck Brian

buys a classic rolls royce puts on $10 autozone hubcaps

buys a classic 
rolls royce puts on $10 autozone  hubcaps   Bad Luck Brian

Goes on strike at his Mc Donald's Job for not making enough money Loses out on a day's pay and now makes even less.

Goes on strike at his Mc Donald's Job for not making enough money Loses out on a day's pay and now makes even less.  Bad Luck Brian

Hands snowball to homeless man Shits

Hands snowball to homeless man Shits  Bad Luck Brian

gets picked on by bully blows load

gets picked on by bully blows load  Bad Luck Brian
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