Bad Luck Brian

Epic teen moment makes front page of reddit As scumbag steve meme

Epic teen moment makes front page of reddit As scumbag steve meme  Bad Luck Brian

Plays beer pong for the first time Herpes

Plays beer pong for the first time Herpes  Bad Luck Brian

it's raining pussy get's hit in the face with a dick

it's raining pussy get's hit in the face with a dick  Bad Luck Brian

Uses tinted car window reflection to pick teeth and fix hair before job interview Potential boss is sitting in the car

Uses tinted car window reflection to pick teeth and fix hair before job interview Potential boss is sitting in the car  Bad Luck Brian

Invites hot girl to lan party via text his sister shows up

Invites hot girl to lan party via text his sister shows up  Bad Luck Brian

Removes tag from mattress gets arrested

Removes tag from mattress gets arrested  Bad Luck Brian

Visits the Great Wall of China Slaughtered by Mongolians

Visits the Great Wall of China Slaughtered by Mongolians  Bad Luck Brian

99,99% sure to get an internship is the 0,01%

99,99% sure to get an internship 
 is the 0,01%  Bad Luck Brian

Steps on a crack breaks his mom's back

Steps on a crack breaks his mom's back  Bad Luck Brian

Loses virginity Gains herpes

Loses virginity Gains herpes  Bad Luck Brian
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