Bad Luck Brian

loves facebook buys facebook stock

loves facebook buys facebook stock  Bad Luck Brian

spends 700 hours on 3d module in inventor inventor crashes

spends 700 hours on 3d module in inventor inventor crashes  Bad Luck Brian

Not on reddit due to social life Misses all the boobs

Not on reddit
due to social life Misses all the boobs  Bad Luck Brian

Clicks on NSFW link V&

Clicks on NSFW link V&  Bad Luck Brian

enjoys memorial day weekend in miami beach gets face eaten

enjoys memorial day weekend in miami beach gets face eaten  Bad Luck Brian

Gets baked brazen bull

Gets baked brazen bull  Bad Luck Brian

builds courage to ask forever alone on a date taken

builds courage to ask forever alone on a date taken  Bad Luck Brian

tiene una cirugia de amigdalas le amputan el pene

tiene una cirugia de amigdalas le amputan el pene  Bad Luck Brian

Finds out parents grow weed accidentally calls cops instead of friend

Finds out parents grow weed accidentally calls cops instead of friend  Bad Luck Brian

Uses free water cup for soda at chipotle executed

Uses free water cup for soda at chipotle executed  Bad Luck Brian
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