Bad Luck Brian

wins raffle contest tickets to nickelback concert

wins raffle contest tickets to nickelback concert  Bad Luck Brian

Opens Fortune Cookie Spiders

Opens Fortune Cookie Spiders  Bad Luck Brian

First Rival Battle Loses

First Rival Battle  Loses  Bad Luck Brian

suicide prevented by a kiss herpes

suicide prevented by a kiss herpes  Bad Luck Brian

Asks parents for a cool bike for gradutaion Mountain bike

Asks parents for a cool bike for gradutaion Mountain bike  Bad Luck Brian

kills diablo, prime evil inventory full

kills diablo, prime evil inventory full  Bad Luck Brian

Upgrades to directv Still reenacts scenes from platoon with Charlie sheen

Upgrades to directv Still reenacts scenes from platoon with Charlie sheen  Bad Luck Brian

Best friend asks to be blood brothers Gets HIV

Best friend asks to be blood brothers Gets HIV   Bad Luck Brian

Drinks coffee stops growing

Drinks coffee stops growing  Bad Luck Brian

"I'll give you my Oreos for that chocolate chip cookie!" RAISIN COOKIE

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