Bad Luck Brian

finally activates new hospital email account for residency 83 unread messages in inbox

finally activates new hospital email account for residency 83 unread messages in inbox  Bad Luck Brian

Uses dollar coins at a self checkout lane it mistakes them for quarters

Uses dollar coins at a self checkout lane it mistakes them for quarters  Bad Luck Brian

Helps old lady to cross the street Car drives over both of them

Helps old lady to cross the street Car drives over both of them  Bad Luck Brian

Skips 1 block of class out of 720 days (2880 blocks) in highschool to study for a tough senior year final in hopes of getting a "B" in the class. With parent permission. 3 class grades drop a whole letter with no hope of recovery.

Skips 1 block of class out of 720 days (2880 blocks) in highschool to study for a tough senior year final in hopes of getting a

scrolls down all the way still not on front page

scrolls down all the way still not on front page   Bad Luck Brian

Starts from the bottom Falls to his death

Starts from the bottom Falls to his death  Bad Luck Brian

gets a girlfriend for the first time ends as soon as she finds crumbled dog treats falling out of his pockets....and shoes

gets a girlfriend for the first time ends as soon as she finds crumbled dog treats falling out of his pockets....and shoes  Bad Luck Brian

Goes on reddit to avoid feelings Every other post on the front page is about parents

Goes on reddit to avoid feelings Every other post on the front page is about parents  Bad Luck Brian

She wants him inside her She's a cannibal

She wants him inside her She's a cannibal  Bad Luck Brian

Doesn't use WEB MD to diagnose himslef ends up having cancer

Doesn't use WEB MD to diagnose himslef ends up having cancer  Bad Luck Brian
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