Bad Luck Brian

eats taco bell shits in class

eats taco bell shits in class  Bad Luck Brian

buys skittles gets shot

buys skittles gets shot  Bad Luck Brian

Goes on first date raped by a tranny

Goes on first date raped by a tranny  Bad Luck Brian

Plays Russian Roulette Semi-Auto Pistol

Plays Russian Roulette Semi-Auto Pistol  Bad Luck Brian

Tries to tie necktie for the first time Beheaded

Tries to tie necktie for the first time Beheaded  Bad Luck Brian

buys an xbox 360 on craigslist stolen

buys an xbox 360 on craigslist stolen  Bad Luck Brian

Has a pet fish It drowns

Has a pet fish It drowns  Bad Luck Brian

pillow fight concussion

fight concussion  Bad Luck Brian

Tries to pay dealer in trident layers as a joke gets stabbed

Tries to pay dealer in trident layers as a joke gets stabbed  Bad Luck Brian

meets hot stranger kony

meets hot stranger kony  Bad Luck Brian
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