Bad Luck Brian

Gets A New Dog Old Yeller

Gets A New Dog Old Yeller   Bad Luck Brian

First time camping with Boy Scouts Troop gets buttfucked

First time camping with Boy Scouts Troop gets buttfucked  Bad Luck Brian

"Break a leg!" Breaks both legs

Goes to post office to buy stamps gets drafted

Goes to post office to buy stamps gets drafted  Bad Luck Brian

yearbook memories last forever his becomes meme.

yearbook memories last forever his becomes meme.  Bad Luck Brian

WINS lottery so did 2,874,391 people

WINS lottery so did 2,874,391 people  Bad Luck Brian

Last name is Kony Runs for class president in 2012

Last name is Kony  Runs for class president in 2012  Bad Luck Brian

Patient at sacred heart hospital gets doug as doctor

Patient at sacred heart hospital gets doug as doctor  Bad Luck Brian

gets invited for a night out drinking with bear grylls

gets invited for a night out drinking with bear grylls  Bad Luck Brian

gets high for the first time weed laced with pcp

gets high for the first time weed laced with pcp  Bad Luck Brian
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