Bad Luck Brian

Girlfriend finally asks to be eaten Talking about cannibalism

Girlfriend finally asks to be eaten Talking about cannibalism   Bad Luck Brian

Holds phone in mouth while peeing Yawns

Holds phone in mouth while peeing Yawns  Bad Luck Brian

Needs a 32% on his final to pass, so he doesn't try. gets a 31.5%

Needs a 32% on his final to pass, so he doesn't try. gets a 31.5%  Bad Luck Brian

Gets thousands of upvotes on post wakes up from dream 5 minutes later

Gets thousands of upvotes on post wakes up from dream 5 minutes later  Bad Luck Brian

Raped by high school girl Prison

Raped by high school girl Prison  Bad Luck Brian

gd guy all his life goes to hell

gd guy all his life goes to hell  Bad Luck Brian

Retraces Frodo's journey to Mt. Doom in New Zealand Raped by hobos dressed as orcs

Retraces Frodo's journey to Mt. Doom in New Zealand Raped by hobos dressed as orcs  Bad Luck Brian

gets date date rape

gets date date rape  Bad Luck Brian

Says "Hi Jack" to friend at airport Guantanamo


holds hands with cute girl blue balls

holds hands with cute girl blue balls  Bad Luck Brian
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