Bad Luck Brian

Comes home for delicious thanksgiving dinner tonsilitis

Comes home for delicious thanksgiving dinner tonsilitis  Bad Luck Brian

Course Grade Depends on Exam Calculator Dies

Course Grade Depends on Exam Calculator Dies  Bad Luck Brian

Winning PowerBall Ticket $4

Winning PowerBall Ticket $4  Bad Luck Brian

Comes up with oc meme and submits it sees a spelling mistake

Comes up with oc meme and submits it sees a spelling mistake  Bad Luck Brian

Studies 8 hours for final Studied the wrong things

Studies 8 hours for final Studied the wrong things  Bad Luck Brian

smokes cigars after Christmas dinner develops cancer

smokes cigars after Christmas dinner develops cancer  Bad Luck Brian

oi limda licoieso?

oi limda  licoieso?  Bad Luck Brian

Reports highest profit in 10 years DOWN 10%

Reports highest profit in 10 years DOWN 10%  Bad Luck Brian

Has a face Like a butt

Has a face Like a butt  Bad Luck Brian

plays police scanner on iphone in rough neighborhood gets shot at because gangs think he's a cop

plays police scanner on iphone in rough neighborhood  gets shot at because gangs think he's a cop  Bad Luck Brian
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