Bad Luck Brian

tries to clean up socks off floor Cum Socks

tries to clean up socks off floor Cum Socks  Bad Luck Brian

Gets Messi in Bronze pack Get's hit by a train

Gets Messi in Bronze pack  Get's hit by a train  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to Prison Drops The Soap bad luck Chandler

Goes to Prison Drops The Soap bad luck Chandler  Bad Luck Brian

pitches perfect game loses

pitches perfect game loses  Bad Luck Brian

Invited to medical school interview gets laryngitis

Invited to medical school interview gets laryngitis  Bad Luck Brian

Looks both ways before crossing the street Hit by a meteor in the back of the head

Looks both ways before crossing the street Hit by a meteor in the back of the head  Bad Luck Brian

Adopts a puppy cujo

   Adopts a puppy cujo  Bad Luck Brian

Swaps Tiles in Scrabble Same letters

Swaps Tiles in Scrabble Same letters  Bad Luck Brian

Posts screenshot of real conversation on reddit down voted to hell

Posts screenshot of real conversation on reddit down voted to hell  Bad Luck Brian

Midterm gets pushed back two weeks due to hurricane, Gets fever the night before. No make-ups.

Midterm gets pushed back two weeks due to hurricane, Gets fever the night before. 
No make-ups.  Bad Luck Brian
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