Bad Luck Brian

Gets hugged by attractive girls hug a ginger day

Gets hugged by attractive girls hug a ginger day  Bad Luck Brian

goes to confess his sins raped

goes to confess his sins raped  Bad Luck Brian

plays michael j fox in jenga loses

plays michael j fox in jenga loses  Bad Luck Brian

Finished writing book about his vision loss Didn't realize pen ran out of ink

Finished writing book about his vision loss Didn't realize pen ran out of ink  Bad Luck Brian

Wins beauty contest In prison

Wins beauty contest In prison  Bad Luck Brian

gets to carry olympic torch sets city on fire

gets to carry olympic torch sets city on fire  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to Middlesbrough Leaves on the Sex offenders list

Goes to Middlesbrough  Leaves on the Sex offenders list  Bad Luck Brian

steps on rake impales foot

steps on rake impales foot  Bad Luck Brian

Gets to front page /r/new

Gets to front page /r/new  Bad Luck Brian

Donates Blood Vampires

Donates Blood Vampires  Bad Luck Brian
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