Bad Luck Brian

Does ama Every answer turned into BLB meme

Does ama Every answer turned into BLB meme  Bad Luck Brian

gets truck lifted tips truck on first turn Caption 3 goes here

gets truck lifted tips truck on first turn Caption 3 goes here  Bad Luck Brian

Starts playing DIII Everyone stops

Starts playing DIII Everyone stops   Bad Luck Brian

goes to the beach raped by blue whale

goes to the beach raped by blue whale  Bad Luck Brian

goes downhill skiing in a large area of land open to the public for recreational purposes where owner assumes a general duty of care impaled on a warning sign

goes downhill skiing in  a large area of land open to the public for recreational purposes where owner assumes a general duty of care impaled on a 
warning sign  Bad Luck Brian

2Am booty call from ex wrong number

2Am booty call from ex wrong number  Bad Luck Brian

Smokes cigar for 18th birthday Cancer

Smokes cigar for 18th birthday Cancer  Bad Luck Brian

is given a bucket of construction toys Megablocks

is given a bucket of construction toys Megablocks  Bad Luck Brian

Takes the blame for a mistake the new guy at work makes gets fired

Takes the blame for a mistake the new guy at work makes gets fired  Bad Luck Brian

Gets invited to play game with kids in class Zombie

Gets invited to play game with kids in class Zombie  Bad Luck Brian
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