Bad Luck Brian

family finally goes on a cruise on titanic

family finally goes on a cruise on titanic  Bad Luck Brian

Parents buy him a new hoodie Gets shot to death by a cop

Parents buy him a new hoodie Gets shot to death by a cop  Bad Luck Brian

gets a cold and sneezes coughs up three testicles

gets a cold and sneezes coughs up three testicles   Bad Luck Brian

Buys his first bag laced

Buys his first bag laced  Bad Luck Brian

Goes on blind Date Insanity Wolf

Goes on blind Date Insanity Wolf  Bad Luck Brian

Wins lottery To fight in Vietnam

Wins lottery To fight in Vietnam  Bad Luck Brian

Nose won't stop bleeding Cancer

Nose won't stop bleeding Cancer  Bad Luck Brian

Final Exam tomorrow spends evening making shitty memes

Final Exam tomorrow spends evening making shitty memes  Bad Luck Brian

Ceiling fan on full power Actually does come loose and chops off his head

Ceiling fan on full power Actually does come loose and chops off his head  Bad Luck Brian

Wins the lottery. hunger games.

Wins the lottery. hunger games.  Bad Luck Brian
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