Bad Luck Brian

gets a girlfriend has to move away the same week

gets a girlfriend has to move away the same week  Bad Luck Brian

tried to blow homopex wide open no one cared

tried to blow homopex wide open no one cared  Bad Luck Brian

flicked off lady behind me after she honked at me to turn when the light turned green now sitting across from them at the same church

flicked off lady behind me after she honked at me to turn when the light turned green now sitting across from them at the same church  Bad Luck Brian

Photoshops funny picture and emails it to friend Friend posts on Reddit and steals all the karma

Photoshops funny picture and emails it to friend Friend posts on Reddit and steals all the karma  Bad Luck Brian

Wants to blueball TEST Gets blueballed by test

Wants to blueball TEST Gets blueballed by test  Bad Luck Brian

Broken Spine Nobody cares

Broken Spine Nobody cares  Bad Luck Brian

Can't use profanity in Scrabble HISTS

Can't use profanity in Scrabble HISTS  Bad Luck Brian

Gets to meet The Beatles It's only Ringo

Gets to meet The Beatles It's only Ringo  Bad Luck Brian

tries to create a funny meme becomes one

tries to create a funny meme becomes one  Bad Luck Brian

that sweater really brings out your ginger

that sweater really brings out your ginger  Bad Luck Brian
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