Bad Luck Brian

Hooks up with girl after she has been healthy for days and tested negative for mono gets mono

Hooks up with girl after she has been healthy for days and tested negative for mono gets mono  Bad Luck Brian

Finds abandoned puppy on the side of the road dead.

Finds abandoned puppy on the side of the road dead.  Bad Luck Brian

Gets Wisdom teeth pulled out New set grows in

Gets Wisdom teeth pulled out New set grows in  Bad Luck Brian

creates imaginary girlfriend friendzoned

creates imaginary girlfriend friendzoned  Bad Luck Brian

Invites clown to birthday party The Joker

Invites clown to birthday party The Joker  Bad Luck Brian

gets hooked up to a torture device

gets hooked up  to a torture device  Bad Luck Brian

Revives 32,000 year old flower poisonous

Revives 32,000 year old flower poisonous  Bad Luck Brian

searches milf on mom?

searches milf on mom?  Bad Luck Brian

James Pelaia Shits

James Pelaia Shits  Bad Luck Brian

Pulls out USB drive without ejecting data corrupted

Pulls out USB drive without ejecting data corrupted  Bad Luck Brian
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