Bad Luck Brian

goes to badminton tournament faces jason ho shue in the first round

goes to badminton tournament faces jason ho shue in the first round  Bad Luck Brian

Orders a 4 piece chicken strip basket got 3 pieces

Orders a 4 piece chicken strip basket got 3 pieces   Bad Luck Brian

Goes to a movie premier with all the celebrities The only available seat is next to Justin Bieber

Goes to a movie premier with all the celebrities  The only available seat is next to Justin Bieber  Bad Luck Brian

porfin se arregla el clima para una albercada ...en semana de finales

porfin se arregla el clima para una albercada ...en semana de finales   Bad Luck Brian

Brings doughnut to the office because his birthday is today Everyone assumes he was trying to celebrate Mother's Day

Brings doughnut to the office because his birthday is today Everyone assumes he was trying to celebrate Mother's Day   Bad Luck Brian

Started Running to lose weight gains 3 pounds

Started Running to lose weight gains 3 pounds  Bad Luck Brian

Gets new job's first paycheck Receives a speeding ticket for the exact same amount

Gets new job's first paycheck Receives a speeding ticket for the exact same amount  Bad Luck Brian

puts running iPod through washing machine first run with replacement ipod. massive rainstorm.

puts running iPod through washing machine first run with replacement ipod. massive rainstorm.  Bad Luck Brian

Makes a throwaway account on Reddit Gets more karma with his throwaway than with his actual account

Makes a throwaway account on Reddit Gets more karma with his throwaway than with his actual account  Bad Luck Brian

accidentally honks the horn just as the light turns green behind a cop

accidentally honks the horn just as the light turns green behind a cop  Bad Luck Brian
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