Bad Luck Brian

Submits something after being away from Reddit for a week Repost from yesterday's front page.

Submits something after being away from Reddit for a week Repost from yesterday's front page.  Bad Luck Brian

goes to r/fitness sees an ad for a grilled cheese sandwich

goes to r/fitness sees an ad for a grilled cheese sandwich  Bad Luck Brian

Respawns Right in my reticle.

Respawns Right in my reticle.  Bad Luck Brian

Asks girlfriend for her new cell phone number Rejection Hotline

Asks girlfriend for her new cell phone number Rejection Hotline   Bad Luck Brian

gets celebrity hairstyle makeover ne-yo

gets celebrity hairstyle makeover ne-yo   Bad Luck Brian

Calls a 900 number His mom answers the phone

Calls a 900 number His mom answers the phone  Bad Luck Brian

Plays at the park kidnapped by eagle

Plays at the park kidnapped by eagle  Bad Luck Brian

Proposes to girlfriend She becomes a nun

Proposes to girlfriend She becomes a nun  Bad Luck Brian

Throws phone to test case breaks tv

Throws phone to test case breaks tv  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to the bar on 21st birthday doesn't get id'ed

Goes to the bar on 21st birthday doesn't get id'ed  Bad Luck Brian
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