Bad Luck Brian

Comes up with bases loaded, no outs Triple Play

Comes up with bases loaded, no outs Triple Play  Bad Luck Brian

Buys a fleshlight Herpes

Buys a fleshlight Herpes  Bad Luck Brian

Find favorite flavor of ice cream in freezer freezerburnt

Find favorite flavor of ice cream in freezer freezerburnt  Bad Luck Brian

meets girl online chris hansen

meets girl online chris hansen  Bad Luck Brian

Survives kidnapping Liam Neeson's Daughter Kidnaps Liam Neeson's wife

Survives kidnapping Liam Neeson's Daughter Kidnaps Liam Neeson's wife  Bad Luck Brian

uploads school photo to facebook is mocked by the entire world

uploads school photo to facebook is mocked by the entire world  Bad Luck Brian

Buys a $1000 Mac Virus

Buys a $1000 Mac Virus  Bad Luck Brian

cakeday post about karma gets to front page self post, no karma

cakeday post about karma gets to front page self post, no karma  Bad Luck Brian

Plays rock, paper, scissors with himself loses

Plays rock, paper, scissors with himself loses  Bad Luck Brian

Has 99 problems The bitch is one

Has 99 problems The bitch is one  Bad Luck Brian
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