Bad Luck Brian

Has sex for the first time Gets a uti

Has sex for the first time Gets a uti  Bad Luck Brian

Got a job at the movie theater. The weekend Twilight came out!

Got a job at the movie theater.  The weekend Twilight came out!  Bad Luck Brian

Yum! Are those freshly baked cookies? oatmeal raisin

Yum! Are those freshly baked cookies? oatmeal raisin   Bad Luck Brian

Full-time job straight out of college with a growing company and career opportunities Enron

Full-time job straight out of college with a growing company and career opportunities Enron  Bad Luck Brian

Self employed Gets fired

Self employed Gets fired  Bad Luck Brian

16 years writing for the daily show does an ama and told that he is not funny

16 years writing for the daily show does an ama and told that he is not funny  Bad Luck Brian

gets new car blue toyota tacoma

gets new car blue toyota tacoma   Bad Luck Brian

Gets a flu shot. Gets the flu.

Gets a flu shot.  Gets the flu.   Bad Luck Brian

Flies to America to save money on Adobe software License/Activation only works in America

Flies to America to save money on Adobe software License/Activation only works in America  Bad Luck Brian

he got swag syphilis, warts, aids, gonorrhea

he got swag syphilis, warts, aids, gonorrhea  Bad Luck Brian
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