Bad Luck Brian

Wipes ass for first time shitty hands

Wipes ass for first time shitty hands  Bad Luck Brian

Dies No one clears his search history

Dies No one clears his search history  Bad Luck Brian

cat dies on cake day

cat dies on cake day  Bad Luck Brian

Eats Poppy seed muffin drug test

Eats Poppy seed muffin drug test  Bad Luck Brian

Finally takes a girl home on her period

Finally takes a girl home on her period  Bad Luck Brian

forwards chain mail murdered in his sleep

forwards chain mail murdered in his sleep  Bad Luck Brian

Tries to have sex girl has a penis

Tries to have sex girl has a penis  Bad Luck Brian

finally breaks mediocrity competition dies

finally breaks mediocrity  competition dies  Bad Luck Brian

tries anal so girlfriend doesn't get pregnant poop fertilized

tries anal so girlfriend doesn't get pregnant poop fertilized  Bad Luck Brian

Loses virginity to a cute girl gets an std

Loses virginity to a cute girl gets an std  Bad Luck Brian
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