Bad Luck Brian

discovers god doesn't exist /r/atheism switches to Islam

discovers god doesn't exist /r/atheism switches to Islam  Bad Luck Brian

Saw on tv that Supreme Court ruled the way he wanted CNN

Saw on tv that Supreme Court ruled the way he wanted CNN  Bad Luck Brian

Dates Overly attached girlfriend Gets dumped

Dates Overly attached girlfriend Gets dumped  Bad Luck Brian

first to get off the boat on d-day

first to get off the boat on d-day  Bad Luck Brian

finally hits a blunt wrong end

finally hits a blunt wrong end  Bad Luck Brian

Engelbert Humperdinck

Engelbert Humperdinck  Bad Luck Brian

Cakeday On vacation with no internet

Cakeday On vacation with no internet  Bad Luck Brian

gets a dominican and colombian girlfriend no ass

gets a dominican and colombian girlfriend no ass  Bad Luck Brian

has cake day going camping; no internet access

has cake day going camping; no internet access  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to disney epcot only

Goes to disney epcot only  Bad Luck Brian
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