Bad Luck Brian

Goes Camping on friday the 13th dies

Goes Camping on friday the 13th dies  Bad Luck Brian

Has Stabilizers on bike falls over

Has Stabilizers on bike falls over  Bad Luck Brian

Doesn't want to die a virgin Granted immortality.

Doesn't want to die a virgin Granted immortality.  Bad Luck Brian

Doesn't remove hardware safely blue screen of death

Doesn't remove hardware safely blue screen of death  Bad Luck Brian

Told Jesus loves him In a mexican prison

Told Jesus loves him In a mexican prison  Bad Luck Brian

posts naked picture on elg clan inbox (1) beckzyboi

posts naked picture on elg clan inbox (1) beckzyboi  Bad Luck Brian

buys new shoes steps on dog shit

buys new shoes steps on dog shit  Bad Luck Brian

Sick on senior skip day Expelled

Sick on senior skip day Expelled  Bad Luck Brian

First time getting high Passes out in public and has the police and EMT's called

First time getting high Passes out in public and has the police and EMT's called  Bad Luck Brian

receives Text while pumping gas Dies

receives Text while pumping gas Dies  Bad Luck Brian
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