Bad Luck Brian

Goes swimming with dolphins Gets raped

Goes swimming with dolphins Gets raped  Bad Luck Brian

Downloads first song Gets arrested

Downloads first song Gets arrested  Bad Luck Brian

Attends CU Boulder the year 4/20 gets canceled

Attends CU Boulder the year 4/20 gets canceled  Bad Luck Brian

Is arbor day Everyone knows him as 420

Is arbor day Everyone knows him as 420  Bad Luck Brian

First visit to camp auschwitz

First visit to camp auschwitz  Bad Luck Brian

Visits money tree Paint Devil attacks

Visits money tree Paint Devil attacks  Bad Luck Brian

Doesn't join Ace Hurwitz's gang Gets hacked

Doesn't join Ace Hurwitz's gang Gets hacked  Bad Luck Brian

goes fishing for the first time perfect storm

goes fishing for the first time perfect storm  Bad Luck Brian

Lets Parents use computer Forgets to delete browsing history

Lets Parents use computer Forgets to delete browsing history  Bad Luck Brian

gets laid for the first time gets herpagonasyphilaids

gets laid for the first time gets herpagonasyphilaids  Bad Luck Brian
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