Bad Luck Brian

smokes weed first time allergic

smokes weed first time allergic  Bad Luck Brian

Wipes ass Toilet paper tears

Wipes ass Toilet paper tears  Bad Luck Brian

Hunting for easter eggs finds hand grenade

Hunting for easter eggs finds hand grenade  Bad Luck Brian

Finally sees girl he knows on /r/gonewild older sister

Finally sees girl he knows on /r/gonewild older sister  Bad Luck Brian

Smokes with hot girl for the first time gets herpes

Smokes with hot girl for the first time gets herpes  Bad Luck Brian

Makes fun of midgets Has a tiny dick

Makes fun of midgets Has a tiny dick  Bad Luck Brian

can suck his own dick chokes himself to death

can suck his own dick chokes himself to death  Bad Luck Brian

Asks girl to prom Does backflip

Asks girl to prom Does backflip  Bad Luck Brian

Gets to front page of /r/spacedicks

Gets to front page of /r/spacedicks  Bad Luck Brian

Finally on time to work September 11, 2001

Finally on time to work September 11, 2001  Bad Luck Brian
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