Bad Luck Brian

Gets caught in downpour Golden shower

Gets caught in downpour Golden shower  Bad Luck Brian

Gets assigned touring partner for the season Madusa

Gets assigned touring partner for the season Madusa  Bad Luck Brian

Thinks Paul Gilbert, Eric Johnson, Yngwie Malmsteen, Buckethead, and every metal guitarist are good. Doesn't realize that they're all shit because they can only play fast and that's all they'll ever be able to do.

Thinks Paul Gilbert, Eric Johnson, Yngwie Malmsteen, Buckethead, and every metal guitarist are good. Doesn't realize that they're all shit because they can only play fast and that's all they'll ever be able to do.  Bad Luck Brian

Finds fountain of youth Drowns

Finds fountain of youth Drowns  Bad Luck Brian

Throws rock at ground MISSES

Throws rock at ground MISSES   Bad Luck Brian

Helps old lady carry bags home Gets raped by her husband

Helps old lady carry bags home Gets raped by her husband  Bad Luck Brian

find out he's allergic to latex the hard way

find out he's allergic to latex the hard way  Bad Luck Brian

Gets Fournier's Gangrene

Gets Fournier's Gangrene   Bad Luck Brian

Turns in his gun for gas money gets robbed on the way home

Turns in his gun for gas money gets robbed on the way home  Bad Luck Brian

Imagines everyone in their underwear so he is less nervous during his presentation gets an Erection

Imagines everyone in their underwear so he is less nervous during his presentation gets an Erection  Bad Luck Brian
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