Bad Luck Brian

Finally gets cast off leg sprains other ankle

Finally gets cast off leg sprains other ankle  Bad Luck Brian

Says "Yolo" dies


Studies for 1002Msc witnesses alien attack; will smith erases memory

Studies for 1002Msc witnesses alien attack; will smith erases memory  Bad Luck Brian

goes to his first brothel in borneo

goes to his first brothel in borneo  Bad Luck Brian

About to score pentakill soraka ult

About to score pentakill soraka ult  Bad Luck Brian

loses virginity red wings

loses virginity red wings  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to Rated R Movie on 17th Birthday Forgets ID

Goes to Rated R Movie on 17th Birthday Forgets ID  Bad Luck Brian

makes sure to walk with scissors impaled

makes sure to walk with scissors impaled  Bad Luck Brian

Becomes a billionaire civilization collapses

Becomes a billionaire civilization collapses  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to all you can eat seafood buffet Gets Crabs

Goes to all you can eat seafood buffet Gets Crabs  Bad Luck Brian
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