Bad Luck Brian

finally gets fiance to watch mad men Now assumes he is cheating when he has to stay late at work

finally gets fiance to watch mad men Now assumes he is cheating when he has to stay late at work  Bad Luck Brian

Asks professor for higher grade gets the d

Asks professor for higher grade gets the d  Bad Luck Brian

2013 New Years Resolution was to finally run in a marathon Boston

2013 New Years Resolution  was to finally run in a marathon Boston  Bad Luck Brian

hometown makes it to front page new orleans mother's day parade shooting

hometown makes it to front page new orleans mother's day parade shooting   Bad Luck Brian

Takes girl to movie movie reminds girl of how much she still loves her ex

Takes girl to movie movie reminds girl of how much she still loves her ex   Bad Luck Brian

Get to school 20 minutes earlier than usual Has a day off

Get to school 20 minutes earlier than usual Has a  day off  Bad Luck Brian

Gets 2500+ karma from confession bear meme On a throwaway account

Gets 2500+ karma from confession bear meme On a throwaway account  Bad Luck Brian

Goes to scratch nose with finger misses, shoves car keys up nostril

Goes to scratch nose with finger misses, shoves car keys up nostril  Bad Luck Brian

Takes dad out for Father's Day for lunch Gets 3 hours of life lessons

Takes dad out for Father's Day for lunch Gets 3 hours of life lessons  Bad Luck Brian

Flexes stomach to show off abs Farts

Flexes stomach to show off abs Farts  Bad Luck Brian
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