Bad Luck Brian

Doesn't fail anything Goes to summer school anyway

Doesn't fail anything Goes to summer school anyway  Bad Luck Brian

Gets an acting role in a big Hollywood movie directed by Tyler Perry

Gets an acting role in a big Hollywood movie directed by Tyler Perry  Bad Luck Brian

If you see a line, get in it Auschwitz

If you see a line, get in it Auschwitz  Bad Luck Brian

gets pink dies

gets pink dies  Bad Luck Brian

Feels a fart coming Shits his pants

Feels a fart coming Shits his pants  Bad Luck Brian

lives in world with .1% male population gets rash whenever a girl touches him

lives in world with .1% male population  gets rash whenever a girl touches him  Bad Luck Brian

posts picture of him smoking to r/trees arrested

posts picture of him smoking to r/trees arrested  Bad Luck Brian

makes fun of jeremy to become popular jeremy spoke in class today

makes fun of jeremy to become popular jeremy spoke in class today  Bad Luck Brian

Bets Life Savings that he will not get to the front page

Bets Life Savings that he will not get to the front page  Bad Luck Brian

gets laid at a party lost twin sister

gets laid at a party lost twin sister  Bad Luck Brian
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