Bad Luck Brian

Graduates college, gets great job, buys house and car, gets married and starts family whole world goes to fuck!

Graduates college, gets great job, buys house and car, gets married and starts family whole world goes to fuck!  Bad Luck Brian

Finally gets accepted into a fraternity Sigma Nu

Finally gets accepted into a fraternity Sigma Nu  Bad Luck Brian

goes outside apocalypse

goes outside apocalypse  Bad Luck Brian

swims 5 minutes after eating dies

swims 5 minutes after eating dies  Bad Luck Brian

finds civil war musket is only worth $5 to rick harrison

finds civil war musket is only worth $5 to rick harrison  Bad Luck Brian

Steps on a crack breaks mothers back

Steps on a crack breaks mothers back  Bad Luck Brian

Smoked once Lung cancer

Smoked once Lung cancer  Bad Luck Brian

First person to use a portal gun breaks legs

First person to use a portal gun breaks legs  Bad Luck Brian

Poses for class picture laughing stock of the internet

Poses for class picture laughing stock of the internet  Bad Luck Brian

Gets Famous, moves to LA "THE BIG ONE"

Gets Famous,
moves to LA
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