Bad Luck Brian

won tickets to star wars movie in 3d it was phantom menace Caption 3 goes here

won tickets to star wars movie in 3d it was phantom menace Caption 3 goes here  Bad Luck Brian

asks for boob on chatroulette on youtube for life

asks for boob on chatroulette on youtube for life  Bad Luck Brian

Wins a free cruise titanic

Wins a free cruise titanic  Bad Luck Brian

goes to gym at an [8] and does squats shits himself

goes to gym at an [8] and does squats shits himself  Bad Luck Brian

Finds out he's adopted On his birthday

Finds out he's adopted On his birthday  Bad Luck Brian

win exclusive vacation to indonesia tsunami

win exclusive vacation to indonesia  tsunami  Bad Luck Brian

Gets a pony for his birthday Dies from internal injuries

Gets a pony for his birthday Dies from internal injuries  Bad Luck Brian

Finds Shiny pokemon red gyarados

Finds Shiny pokemon  red gyarados  Bad Luck Brian

Makes friends with lereddituser7575 lereddituser7575 dies

Makes friends with lereddituser7575 lereddituser7575 dies  Bad Luck Brian

wears white pants shitstain

wears white pants shitstain  Bad Luck Brian
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