Bad Luck Brian

Goes to DFS No sale on

Goes to DFS  No sale on  Bad Luck Brian

Posts rep-worthy meme's Brother collects all the reps

Posts rep-worthy meme's Brother collects all the reps  Bad Luck Brian

Drives drunk Hits Justin's neighbors car

Drives drunk  Hits Justin's neighbors car   Bad Luck Brian

Gets a Valentines Day card From mom

Gets a Valentines Day card From mom  Bad Luck Brian

Gets wheat bread to be healthy Product recalled for having fine wire mesh

Gets wheat bread to be healthy Product recalled for having fine wire mesh  Bad Luck Brian

Reports mean prank played on work to boss boss helped set it up

Reports mean prank played on work to boss boss helped set it up   Bad Luck Brian

Messages woman he sees on okc chat She signs off as it's sent

Messages  woman he sees on okc chat She signs off as it's sent  Bad Luck Brian

Thinks he's smart Believes in religion

Thinks he's smart Believes in religion  Bad Luck Brian

Passes out at the bar. The bartender gets his phone and calls a random contact to pick him up Ex

Passes out at the bar. The bartender gets his phone and calls a random contact to pick him up Ex  Bad Luck Brian

said something mean to karate kyle

said something mean to karate kyle  Bad Luck Brian
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