Bad Luck Brian

Shows parents funny road sign massive boner

Shows parents funny road sign  massive boner  Bad Luck Brian

"I WHIP MY HAIR" ringtone goes off. In a cancer hospital

Learns how to check for testicular cancer Has it

Learns how to check for testicular cancer Has it  Bad Luck Brian

Hits Beautiful drive unfavorable lie in relation to the pin

Hits Beautiful drive unfavorable lie in relation to the pin  Bad Luck Brian

Vacation in miami face gets eaten by a zombie

Vacation in miami face gets eaten by a zombie  Bad Luck Brian

becomes superman gets superman cancer

becomes superman gets superman cancer  Bad Luck Brian

First Chirp Paul Bissonnette

First Chirp Paul Bissonnette  Bad Luck Brian

Finds a penny, picks it up Gypsy curse

Finds a penny, picks it up Gypsy curse  Bad Luck Brian

worlds biggest penis tumor

worlds biggest penis tumor  Bad Luck Brian

Turned into a newt Didn't get better

Turned into a newt Didn't get better  Bad Luck Brian
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