Bad Luck Brian

Pokes hole in friend's condom Dad gets aids

Pokes hole in friend's condom Dad gets aids  Bad Luck Brian

Buys a pokemon booster pack energy cards

Buys a pokemon booster pack energy cards  Bad Luck Brian

Fights for animal rights devoured by bear

Fights for animal rights devoured by bear  Bad Luck Brian

Makes up girlfriend She leaves him for Manti Te'o

Makes up girlfriend She leaves him for Manti Te'o  Bad Luck Brian

Gets membership to a 24 hour gym gets mugged by homeless people first day there

Gets membership to a 24 hour gym gets mugged by homeless people first day there  Bad Luck Brian

takes walk down memory lane mugged and raped

takes walk down memory lane mugged and raped  Bad Luck Brian

moves to us after learning english nobody can read, write and speak their native language

moves to us after learning english nobody can read, write and speak their native language  Bad Luck Brian

gets stranded in the desert for days first water hole he finds has dead dog in it

gets stranded in the desert for days first water hole he finds has dead dog in it  Bad Luck Brian

Pays money to view webcam model webcam girl is also artist and paints till his session is over

Pays money to view webcam model webcam girl is also artist and paints till his session is over  Bad Luck Brian

Finds first shiny ever accidently kills it

Finds first shiny ever  accidently kills it  Bad Luck Brian
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